Different types of coaching


Do you wish to work with me one to one, or as a team? Please send me an email and I’ll get back to you.

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Online Mastermind: Master your mindset to the highest level in 12 weeks .

Everything we attract in life is based on one fundamental asset and that is mindset! Through this exclusive 12 week program you will be guided and challenged to the highest level, so you can improve your game and life circumstances to the very best possible way. Increase your productivity, energy to tap into your highest potential. Create what you really want and even far beyond that.

 This is an exclusive online Mastermind limited to 15p, with weekly support and one on one support if needed. Only like minded people will be accepted in this Mastermind

I’m really looking forward to meeting you in this program!


1 day workshop: From fear to flow

Through this active workshop you will overcome your fears and use them as an asset to improve your game and life. Reconnect with your true self. Know where results come from and become successfull in everything you do!

Coming soon

3 Day Outdoor Workshop

Only for those who have attended the 1 day workshop or the Online Mastermind Program, can inscribe for the 3day outdoor experience. What can you expect: We are going to dive on a much more profound level, so you can really get to experience your true self, where your hidden powers are. This workshop will help you amplify a successful and meaningful life, while tearing down the barriers that are holding you back from that next level!


7 Day Retreat

Only for those who have attended the 12 week Online Mastermind or 3 day outdoor experience can inscribe for this event. 

This is a very exclusive retreat for only those who see a bigger vision and are on a mission to make an impact that leaves a legacy for generations to come. In this retreat you will rediscover all your senses. Everything will be brought back to the moment you entered this world. Redifining who you really are in a safe environment, will have a deep impact on every domain of your current life. Being surrounded with only like minded people will enhance your vibrational energy.   This retreat is limited to 14 persons. This is a unique experience I can recommend to all of you who really want to take massive action to transform their lives to the highest level.

I am truly looking forward sharing this incredible experience with you! 


“All feelings derive and become alive, weather negative or positive, from the power of thought!”

Sydney Banks